
Showing posts from January, 2024


   Lava Domes-are of considerably smaller build than the composite shield volcanos. Lava domes are mostly molded when the lava is too sticky to flow farther,and therefore, it remains to pile inside. As starts to cool it Harden Parts Of Volcanos are: -Summit -Crater -Vents:Main and Secondary -Ash -Conduit -Sill -Dike -Solidified Lava -Magma Reservoir Before-Pressure forms in the lava chamber gases such as carbon dioxide and Sulphur dioxide may get out from the opening prior to explosion the ground may slant or somewhat raised as lava pushes upward from the chamber During-pressure is released as lava is explosively released Lava may be viscous or runny depending on the volcano and may produce mud clouds lahars and mudflows and pyroclastic flows   After- pressure stabilises gases and the ash cloud in the air may cause a global average temperature drop as much as 0.1 degree celsiu s   What to do: Understand how your community will respond to an eruption.  Your ...


 Lesson#1-VOLCANOS here are more or less 53 volcanos in the Philippines. And they are divided into 4 types which are Cinder cones,Composite,sheild,and lava domes the first is:     Cinder Cones-These Volcanos consist almost completely of movable rough cinder and practically no lava. They are minor Volcanos, Usually only about a mile across and up to about a thousand feet high  history: Its age has been controversial since the 1870's, when many people thought it was only a few decades old. Later, the cone and associated lava flows were thought to have formed about  A.D. 1700  or during a 300-year- long series of eruptions ending in 1851 Composite Volcanos-are typically tens of miles and 10,000 or more feet in height. As illustrated on the left they have  moderately steep sides and sometimes volcanologists call this strato or composite volcano because they consist of layers of solid lava flows history:The most known composite cone is Mount mayon which...

Evaluating Master Pogi69

Making a Website isn't easy. And today I will be evaluating one. and the website I am going to Look into is the school escuela de sophia of caloocan inc. Or for short is EDSCI. When I first looked at the website. The first thing I saw is the  Logo its very simple and not to hard to remember. And the next Thing is the contents of the website its colors is not harsh to the Eyes and when I scrolled down I saw is the president of the school Welcoming me in the school and says he hopes I will choose edsci And accept it as its second home. and when I scrolled a bit more There is a Qr code for online registration which is for easy access For the campus and there is buttons to for easy acces